


We Africans and non-Africans based in Europe have decided to form an organization called “Africa Tomorrow Plus”. Therefore, we unanimously agreed to adopt this document as the Constitution of Africa Tomorrow Plus.

Africa Tomorrow Plus is a non-political and non-profit organization.

Official languages:

The first and other languages for communications from the organization is German, English and Swedish.


1. Name and registered office:

The association bears the name "Africa Tomorrow Plus" after registration and is based in Oldenburg, Germany.

2. Purpose:

The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit - charitable purposes.

Afrika Tomorrow Plus is a non-profit international organization that was founded in Germany in 2009 to promote and support development projects in Europe, through education, integration, cultural events, leisure activities, sports, and music.

Our projects aim to encourage self-value, international relationships, tolerance in all areas of cultural differences, programs with children of different nationalities, talent promotion and cooperation in all forms. Our programs are targeted at children and youths. Young people with different health challenges also benefit from our programs, likewise elderly people.

The encounters within the project help the participants to get to know each other playfully and thus breaking down prejudices in a targeted manner. As participants grow and live together in a positive environment, hearts, minds, and souls are opened to build trust, understanding, acceptance, and tolerance.

The concept is originated from Africans who have been living in Europe for years who saw the need to unite, support, and encourage Africans in the diaspora and also to add value to the system of whichever country they are.

Our projects are carried out in close cooperation with, Non-Governmental Organizations, Companies, Schools, Local governments, and individual partners in the community we are.

ATP is also established to support and promote development projects in Africa concerning the focal points of education, talent development (sports, arts, and culture), and environmental protection.

3. Membership Admission:

Membership in Africa Tomorrow Plus is open to anyone who is interested. There are no distinct classifications of membership in categories such as associate and honorary membership.

Membership is acquired by means of a written declaration of membership, the acceptance of which is decided by the board of trustees by means of written notification.

4. Loss of membership:

Membership ends upon death, resignation, or expulsion. Resignation, which is possible at any time, is made by means of a written declaration to the Executive Board. The general meeting decides on the exclusion with a majority of three-quarters of the members present.

5. Contributions and other obligations:

The ordinary annual meeting of the members decides on the amount and due date of the monetary contributions.

6. Organs and institutions:

The organs of the association are the board of trustees and the general assembly.

Further organizational bodies, in particular committees with special tasks, can be created by resolution of the general assembly.

7. Executive Board:

The board consists of the president, the vice president, the treasurer, financial secretary, secretary, assistant secretary, and Adjuster/minutes taker. The association is represented in and out of court by the President who signs all official documents and when in absence is been represented (with a legal document stamped and signed by the president for that purpose) by the vice president or two members of the board of trustees. The Board of trustees is elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. However, the board remains in office after the end of the term of office until a new board is elected.

The Board of trustees runs the foundation on a voluntary basis and gives herself rules of procedure.

8. General Assembly:

The ordinary general meeting, which takes place in the first three months of each year, decides on the contributions, the discharge of the board, the election of the board, and changes to the statutes.

An extraordinary general meeting is to be convened at the request of one-third of the members.

All general meetings are convened by the board of directors with a period of one week in writing, announcing the agenda.

9. Minutes:

Minutes of the general meeting must be signed by the president, vice president, and by the adjuster/minute-taker.

10. Dissolution:

The dissolution can only be decided in a special meeting of members to be convened for this purpose with a notice period of one month with a majority of three-quarters of the members present.

The meeting also decides on the type of liquidation and the realization of the remaining assets.

If the association is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes no longer apply, the assets of the association will go to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation for use in promoting development cooperation.

The association is to be entered in the register of associations at the Skatteveket Sweden.

11. Amendment to the Articles of Association:

Any article or clause of the Articles of Association may be amended provided such amendment or amendments are approved by a two-thirds majority of the members of the organization voting at the meetings.

Mission and Vision

The board articulates the mission and vision of the organization into a formal statement that is widely disseminated. This statement should be a strong, clear presentation of why the nonprofit exists, who the beneficiaries are, what it provides to those beneficiaries, and where the board wants the organization to go. On a regular basis, the board discusses the relevance and clarity of the mission. All board members are expected to be knowledgeable about the mission and vision.

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